The More Light Presbyterians Staff and National Board of Directors
More Light Presbyterians is supported by a dynamic staff and board of directors. More Light staff are available to visit your congregation or community group, and for individual consultation about furthering LGBTQIA+ inclusion. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions or just want to say hi!
The More Light Board consists of 15 persons elected by the membership of MLP or appointed to fill vacancies per the requirements in the by-laws.
Nominations to the National Board of Directors are made by a Nominations Committee. The Nominations Committee solicits the MLP membership for suggestions for nominees and considers both within its composition and its proposed slate of nominees the diversity of sexual orientations, differing abilities, racial-ethnic backgrounds, gender identities and expression, ages (in conformity with applicable laws), synod of residence, and MLP membership categories.
Shani McIlwain
More Light Board MemberBiography
Gender Pronouns: she/her
Shani is a ruling elder at Faith Presbyterian Church in Washington, DC where she also serves as Moderator (2022-23) of National Capital Presbytery. Hilarious and transparent are two words that describe Shani as a speaker. Known for her candid personal stories she weaves her “messy” moments of life into practical teaching moments for others. As a bestselling author, executive coach, and facilitator her work helps individuals and congregations working to dismantle oppressive systems to create a more equitable community.