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More Light Sunday 2021
Order of Worship
Gathering and Call to Worship Rev. Shanea D. Leonard
Opening Music In My End is My Beginning, Rachel Kroh arr. Slats Toole
Prayer for Honesty and Reconciliation Rev. Ashley DeTar Birt & Rev. Jess Cook
First Reading 2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27 Rev. Lee Catoe
Music In My End is My Beginning, Rachel Kroh arr. Slats Toole
Second Reading Mark 5:21-43 Rev. Eric Thomas
Sermon Experience Soul Break. Then Kiki. Rev. Annanda Barclay
Musical Response In My End is My Beginning, Rachel Kroh arr. Slats Toole
I am Here in the Heart of God, Erin McGaughan arr. Chanda Rule
Affirmation of Faith Rev. Katie/Moe Mulligan
Minute for Mission Rev. Alex Patchin McNeill
Prayers of the People Brooke Scott & Rev. Pepa Paniagua
Communion Rev. Lydia Tembo & Rev. Ashley McFaul-Erwin
Benediction Rev. Annanda Barclay