Our breath is our life-force, but the air we breathe can restore our life or kill us. We are living in a world where the sins of racism infect the very air we breathe; killing many, sickening us all. What happens when we pay attention to how much breath we give to scarcity, competition, and fear? What happens when we choose to focus our breath on giving oxygen to liberate our imaginations for a world where the air is full of abundance, hope, and equity?

This is the expansive and important vision for the CoInspire Conference happening at Montreat Conference Center October 7-10. The root of the word “conspire” means “to breathe with.” The CoInspire Conference will examine ways that we, as members of Christ’s body, might co-inspire one another to liberate our collective imagination for new ways of being, and examine ways we can conspire to eviscerate the racism within our church.