To hear about all that happened at GA, check out our blog posts or the Facebook live conversation between Jess and Alex:

GA_223_debrief from More Light Presbyterians on Vimeo.


Within the Presbyterian Church (USA), More Light advocates for overtures to strengthen the church’s standing as a progressive and inclusive denomination. In coordination with More Light congregations from across the nation, More Light has supported three overtures to be voted upon at the 2018 General Assembly:

Hello Welcoming Church, PC(USA!)

Below is a brief response to all that happened at GA 223 with regard to LGBTQIA people At the 223rd General Assembly, the Presbyterian Church, (USA) passed in consent agenda by a unanimous voice...

FAQ on Overture 11-04

FAQ On Overture 11-04 SUMMARY OF OVERTURE This timely overture clarifies the appropriate bounds of religious liberty. Overture 11-04 affirms that religious liberty is not a license to discriminate against any of God’s people....

FAQ on Overture 11-12

FAQ On Overture 11-12 SUMMARY OF OVERTURE This overture recommends the 223rd General Assembly pass resolutions to: affirm the gifts of LGBTQ+ people for ministry, celebrate the dedicated and pioneering service of LGBTQ+ people...

FAQ on Overture 11-13

FAQ On Overture 11-13 SUMMARY OF OVERTURE This overture invites the 223rd General Assembly to affirm its commitment to the full welcome, acceptance, and inclusion of transgender people, people who identify as gender non-binary,...