The resources featured on this page are helpful guides for individuals and congregations who are wrestling with understanding how same-sex marriage intersects with their interpretation of scripture, life as a congregation, or personal beliefs.

Each of these resources are intended to foster dialogue, deepen understanding of the issue, and open pathways for movement towards embrace of marriage for all loving and committed couples. If you have a resource to share or don’t see one that would be helpful for you please contact us.

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“In My Shoes”

In a time when LGBT families are debated and attacked in the media, courts and Congress, from school houses to state houses across the country, five young people give you a chance to walk...

Marriage And The Presbyterian Church, U.S.A.

This guide was written in advance of the 221st General Assembly, but the questions and background it offers remain relevant for congregations wanting a forum for conversation about marriage for same-sex couples rooted in...

Inclusive Marriage Services (A Wedding Sourcebook)

Inclusive Marriage Services (A Wedding Sourcebook) As the country moves toward marriage equality for gay and lesbian people, same-gender and straight couples alike are seeking inclusive wedding services. This sourcebook provides marriage liturgies with...

A Time to Embrace

In A Time to Embrace, William Stacy Johnson presents a brilliant analysis of the religious, legal, and political stakes in the debates over gay marriage, civil unions, and the place of committed gay couples...