“More Light believes we must refocus on who God is as a way to understand the fullness of what God is calling us to next.“
Our Story

Folks at Rose City Park Presbyterian Church in Portland OR hold a special MLP service in 2016, during General Assembly 222.
More Light Presbyterians traces its history through two distinct pathways, the earliest is through a sign held up at Presbyterian General Assembly in 1974 by the Rev. David Sindt “is anyone else out there gay?” That sign led to the formation of Presbyterians for Gay Concerns, which later became Presbyterians for Lesbian and Gay Concerns. The second is after the 1978 Presbyterian ruling that openly LGBTQIA+ people could join and participate in Presbyterian churches, but not serve in official leadership of the church. Several Presbyterian churches took issue with this ruling and declared themselves to be “More Light” Churches because there was “yet more light to shine forth on the scriptures” on, at the time, homosexuality. These churches formally joined together as the More Light Churches Network in 1992. Several years later, Presbyterians for Lesbian and Gay Concerns and the More Light Churches Network merged to form More Light Presbyterians as a non-profit organization in 1999.
Following the removal of two significant barriers to LGBTQIA+ inclusion in the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A., many congregations and individuals have been wondering “what’s next in the work to follow God’s call for welcome of all God’s beloved children? More Light underwent a discernment process in 2015 and have emerged with a renewed theological understanding of our call in the world, and an offering of a way our congregations and individuals can best live into it. The next stage of our ministry requires our congregations to discern where their gifts and passions best fit their wider communities’ unique needs. More Light seeks to aid in that discernment as well as create new connections with partner churches through our various programs.
Our Mission Statement
Following the risen Christ, and seeking to make the Church a true community of hospitality, the mission of More Light Presbyterians is to work for the full participation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA+) people in the life, ministry and witness of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and in society.
Our Logo
MLP’s logo reflects our mission and incorporates the communion elements of bread and wine, as well as rainbow colors evocative of stained glass church windows. These elements express the hospitality of Christ, and of the welcoming church movement, and the theology and practice of the open table. We are called together as many grains that form one bread. We share one cup.
Who We Are
More Light Presbyterians engages over 230 congregations and thousands of individuals in the Presbyterian Church (USA), enabling Presbyterians to lead LGBTQIA+ service and advocacy in communities nationwide. More Light’s mission has always been to empower and equip individuals and congregations to live into their welcome for LGBTQIA+ people.
What We Do
More Light’s mission has always been to empower and equip individuals and congregations to live into their welcome for LGBTQIA+ people. More Light has developed interrelated programs to move congregations along a pathway towards full inclusion, improve ministry services for LGBTQIA+ individuals in need, and expand the faith-based movement opposing discriminatory legislation. Our programs help congregations and our members build their capacity and develop new skills to deepen their welcome to LGBTQIA+ people within their churches and in their wider communities. Check out Our Work to learn more about our various programs!