Out of Order is a groundbreaking feature documentary revealing the complex and painful struggles faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer faith leaders within the Presbyterian Church, USA.

The film draws timely attention to the joyful experiences and complex struggles of queer young people, the need for greater awareness and understanding of bisexuality, and the growing visibility of transgender individuals, offering a unique perspective on a trans person of faith.

More Light is partnering with Out of Order to encourage congregations and community groups to host screenings of this important film. For individuals whose congregations may be just beginning to consider incorporating inclusive practices, this documentary helps to put names and faces to the individuals who are made to feel unwelcome by exclusionary practices. This film was created by a community of people deeply committed to embodying change in the Church. As such, we invite you to watch it as part of a community equally committed to bringing about change. By watching and discussing the film with part of a group, you will not only learn from the individuals in the film, but also with and from one another. The participants in the film hope that by sharing their very personal, and sometimes painful, experiences others may deepen their empathy for LGBTQIA+ people in the church, and for all those who’ve been told they do not belong in church.

Careful facilitation can result in an illuminating discussion. With the purchase of a screening, you will also have access to Out of Order promotional materials to design your screening event, discussion guides for both adults and youth, and screening guidelines to ensure you have the best screening experience possible.

Fill out the form below to download the film and view it with your community!



Individuals wishing to watch the movie can do so here.