As More Light Presbyterians we are called to show that there is “yet more light” to shine forth on LGBTQIA+ inclusion. Without addressing the impact of racism on ourselves, and in our communities we cannot fully live into the abundant inclusion we seek to share.
When engaging in conversations with people of color about their experiences of systemic racism, white folks often experience a sense of frustration/guilt/confusion, or even outrage as their own lenses of privilege come off. Frequently, these feelings can lead to questions about why such terrible circumstances have come about. Rather than why, the question should be: “when, where, and how can we show up to to support and witness this grief and outrage, and how can we responsibly work to dismantle such systems of oppression?”
This Teach-In Series equips folks with the tools to begin doing just that. In our three-part series, we address the ways in which systemic racism functions, how to address internalized dominance and white fragility, and how to take action in our congregations and communities to integrate racial justice tactics in our ministries.
The work of justice is not easy. Let us be persistent in our pursuit so that one day the world will truly be a place where we witness the beloved community set forth by the black skinned, Palestinian refugee, upriser we know as Jesus the Christ!
Part 1 – What we learned:
- The distinction between structural racism and interpersonal conflicts related to race.
- A common vocabulary for talking about racism
- developing a shared understand of what Racism is and how Racial Justice can counter it.
Part 2 – What we learned:
- The meaning and impact of white privilege and internalized dominance
- A deeper understanding of white fragility
Part 3 – What we learned:
- Strategies and tools for working together to integrate racial justice measures into our ministries.
- The experiences of pastors who have helped lead their congregations in taking action for racial justice.