The resources featured on this page are helpful for individuals who are discerning their own sexuality, for parents or friends who want to understand more about LGBTQIA+ identities, and for congregations to increase their awareness and understanding of LGBTQIA+ people.

If you have a resource to share or don’t see one that would be helpful for you please contact us.

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Ultimate Guide to Resources for LGBTQ+ Students

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, asexual, pansexual, aromantic, genderqueer, nonbinary, and intersex students may have varied experiences in college depending on the community they encounter. Statistics published by the Human Rights Campaign revealed that...

Holy Disunity by Layton E. Williams

These days, there’s no dirtier word than “divisive,” especially in religious and political circles. Claiming a controversial opinion, talking about our differences, even sharing our doubts can be seen as threatening to the goal...

Unconditional by Justin Lee

Justin Lee has written a brave book. Unconditional isn’t just from the heart, but from the head too. It’s a well-considered, thoroughly-researched and persuasive call for understanding and dialogue between both sides on what...

Talking Across the Divide by Justin Lee

A guide to learning how to communicate with people who have diametrically opposed opinions from you, how to empathize with them, and how to (possibly) change their minds America is more polarized than ever....

Redeeming Gender by Adrian Thatcher

Redeeming Gender argues that the problems about sexuality which continue to sap the churches’ energies are really about gender. The dominant understanding of women’s bodies in the Christian West has been that they are inferior...

Queer: A Graphic History by Meg-John Barker

Activist-academic Meg John Barker and cartoonist Julia Scheele illuminate the histories of queer thought and LGBTQ+ action in this groundbreaking non-fiction graphic novel. A kaleidoscope of characters from the diverse worlds of pop-culture, film,...

Conscious Enneagram

The Enneagram is a powerful tool for transforming your life, but it can’t change you if you don’t know how to use it. Conscious Enneagram is here for you, to help you apply the...