The mission of More Light Presbyterians calls us to work for full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in matters of justice within the Presbyterian Church (USA) and in civil society.
The last few years have brought significant progress on the civil justice front, but LGBT people, even those who live in states with full marriage equality, still face blatant discrimination on a federal level through the so-called “Defense of Marriage Act.” In the past month, a fifth federal court justice ruled that DOMA was unconstitutional. As believers in a welcoming and inclusive church for all, and as followers of the risen Christ, who broke down barriers and defied unjust laws, we stand in solidarity with those who are denied full equality and justice.
That’s why I urge you to read the message below from our allies at the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and sign their petition to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act.
Patrick Evans
Interim Executive Director, More Light Presbyterians
Message from the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Dear Friends,
Wedding season is in full swing.
As happy straight couples everywhere finalize their plans to enter into the celebration and lifelong promise of marriage, many equally committed and loving LGBT couples are left waiting at the altar.
Don’t get me wrong — there’s still plenty to celebrate. This year alone, marriage equality has come a long way, with four states legalizing or protecting the right of same-sex couples to marry. And for the first time ever, we can say there is a sitting president and a sitting vice-president who fully support marriage equality. What an amazing thing to be able to say!
In Washington, New Jersey, New Hampshire and Maryland, years of work by the Task Force and our local partners paid off with passage of bills to recognize and protect same-sex marriage. And just recently, the governor of Rhode Island signed an executive order directing state agencies to recognize same-sex marriages performed out of state. Unfortunately LGBT individuals in North Carolina and Colorado didn’t fare as well.
While each additional state that embraces marriage equality brings us another big step down the aisle toward truly equal rights, under DOMA, same-sex couples are still barred from receiving the many benefits afforded straight married couples. We are encouraged that the Obama Administration has stopped defending DOMA in the courts, but we still need to get this law off the books.
During this wedding season, take a moment to tell Congress to pass the Respect for Marriage Act. This bill would repeal DOMA once and for all, and allow the federal government to recognize all legal marriages.
Now that our president supports marriage equality, tell Congress to do the same, ditch DOMA, and say “I Do!” to the Respect for Marriage Act. Click here to sign the petition, and let’s hear freedom, and wedding bells, ring for everyone!
Thanks for your support.
Rea Carey, Executive Director
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Action Fund
The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Action Fund builds the grassroots political power of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. The Task Force Action Fund does this through direct and grassroots lobbying to defeat anti-LGBT ballot initiatives and legislation, and works to pass pro-LGBT legislation and other progressive initiatives. The Task Force Action Fund is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit corporation incorporated in New York. Contributions to the Task Force Action Fund are not tax-deductible. © 2012