The resources featured on this page are helpful for individuals and congregations who want to increase their understandings of transgender and gender non-conforming identities as well as curricula for congregations who want to open their doors to transgender members.
If you have a resource to share or don’t see one that would be helpful for you please contact us.
In today’s fast paced world, the internet can provide quick answers to personal questions. But when an individual raised by society to live, breathe and look at the world with female eyes transitions to...
Paula Stone Williams From the website: Paula is the Pastor of Preaching and Worship at Left Hand Church in Longmont Colorado. She is also the president of RLT Pathways where she provides...
Taj M. Smith From the website: I’m a black, transgender, Christian, all of which drastically affect how I see the world and, in turn, how I see God. Theology, to me, is a giant,...
Using Chosen Names From the website: In one of the largest and most diverse studies of transgender youth to date, researchers led by a team at The University of Texas at Austin have found...
Lawrence T. Richardson From the website: Lawrence T. Richardson is a United Church of Christ pastor, writer, and digital evangelist. He uses multiple online platforms to advocate for social justice, express relevant content, and...
Shannon T. L. Kearns From the website: Father Shannon T.L. Kearns is a writer, speaker, and theologian. He is the co-founder of Queer Theology. He is also the founder of Uprising Theatre Company. He...
This article in the Washington Post is written from Debra Malina’s perspective as the parent of a non-binary youth and her struggles with using “they” for their child.
You are Not the Only Queer Christian, I Swear to God From the Autostraddle Article written byAudrey White, More Light Board Member: “Queer Christians are everywhere, but I didn’t always know that. For many years,...
Rescuing Jesus: How People of Color, Women, and Queer Christians are Reclaiming Evangelicalism Deborah Jian Lee left the evangelical world because she was frustrated by its conservative politics. But over the years she stayed...
Campaign for Southern Equality The Campaign for Southern Equality (CSE) is based in Asheville, North Carolina, and works across the South to promote full LGBTQ equality – both legal and lived. Our work is...
Trans in the South – A Guide to Resources and Services Trans in the South is dedicated to the grassroots warriors who are working to get resources to their friends, family, and community members...
Practicing Inclusion Worksheet This downloadable worksheet accompanies the Connecting the Dots: Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation downloadable Teach-In.