Look here to find a church or campus group in your community that welcomes LGBTQIA+ people into the full life and participation of the community!
Directory of More Light Churches, Chapters, and Campus Groups
Each congregation or campus group listed is a member of More Light Presbyterians and is committed to full inclusion and welcome of all God’s people.
First Presbyterian Church
If you are looking for a church…where you will be loved and accepted regardless of your age, class, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation… where you will be challenged to reflect on your beliefs, acknowledge your doubts, ask your questions, and grow in faith… where God’s desire for compassion, healing, reconciliation, and justice is preached… where you are given the opportunity to put your faith into action… you are welcome here.…
Marcellus, NY
First Presbyterian Church
We are a community of believers who worship and serve God in a changing world. Our congregation fosters relationships with Bowling Green University faculty, students and staff. We welcome and affirm persons of every race, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, ethnicity, family status, economic status, and physical, mental, or emotional ability into full participation in our faith community.…
Bowling Green, OH
First Presbyterian Church
First Presbyterian Church of Benton Harbor is a Christ-minded, racially-integrated, community-oriented, and service-driven fellowship of people seeking the best that God has for our selves and our neighbors. As we have been welcomed, we welcome…and we welcome all – affirmed and fully included just as God made each of us. We proudly welcome, affirm, and fully include people of all faiths, gender identities, sexual orientations, ethnicities, and socioeconomic statuses.…
Benton Harbor, MI
First Presbyterian Church
More than a year ago, session authorized the creation of our Welcoming Team which was charged with leading us through a journey toward becoming a fully welcoming and inclusive church. What a journey it has been. The Team began with an assessment of our church’s embodiment of welcome. Based on that assessment, we had a good idea of the work we needed to do.…
Urbana, Illinois
First Presbyterian Church
In January of 2018, our session affirmed a desire to move toward more intentional inclusion and diversity in our congregation. To that end, in October, the Session created a task force at the recommendation of the Invitation and Integration team to explore the possibility of affiliating with More Light Presbyterians (MLP). The task force’s objective was to look at what it means to be a MLP congregation, compare similar organizations, and identify any changes needed to better serve, represent, and honor all of who we are — specifically our LGBTQ family members.…
Birmingham, Al
First Presbyterian Church
We have been an open and affirming congregation for decades. Long before we were “allowed” to, we have encouraged and ordained officers and seminarians regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity. We look at God’s gifts for leadership first and foremost. We know we are open and affirming, but the community at large does not necessarily know this.…
Austin, TX
First Presbyterian Church
For years, our church has informally become more and more open to the open engagement of LGBTQ in all areas of our church’s life. That began 12 years when a same sex couple came requesting baptism for their daughter. From that point forward people got to know the couple, and especially Jeannie, who became a leader in our children’s ministry.…
Hollywood, FL
First Presbyterian Church
We have been an openly welcoming church for several years and we want to be even more visible and supportive in the future. By becoming a More Light Church, we not only support the organization but make ourselves known to the greater community. We are a church that puts love and grace first by celebrating our LGBTQ+ community.
Morgantown, WV
First Presbyterian Church
First Birmingham began to wrestle with inclusion of all persons in 1990s. We held classes and congregation-wide discussions. it culminated seven years ago when we adopted our “handle” as Everybody’s Church and our new inclusion statement: As Everybody’s Church we strive to be a faithful, open and inclusive community. We welcome the full participation of all people of any ability, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or any other life circumstance.…
Birmingham, MI
First Presbyterian Church
FPC Henderson has been an inclusive church for years. Several years ago, we adopted a new mission/vision statement: Serving God Honoring Creation Embracing Differences
Becoming a More Light Church was a natural evolution for FPC.