Dear Friends,
If you have read anything on the MLP Facebook page or blog this year that has challenged you, inspired you – anything you shared with others because you thought it might educate or change hearts and minds, we ask you to consider what value our work has in the PC(USA), civil society, and in your life. As you plan your end of the year charitable giving, please know that we have important work yet to be done. Many feel that since the passage of 10A, maybe we have less to do, but it’s quite the opposite. There are openly LGBT inquirers and candidates to support. Clergy who have been in ministry for decades who are now coming out, who need us to stand in solidarity with them. 247 clergy and 359 elders who have offered prophetic witness by signing the Stand For Love statement, and are experiencing the consequences of that witness.
We are, and always have been, dependent on individual contributions from faithful people who believe in justice for LGBT people in the church and society. If you do, please go to our web page, look at the array of testimonies, educational material and stories of transformational change. Please click the “donate now” button and consider what level of support you might offer as the year winds down. We are careful to be good stewards of your mission dollars, and need your steady support now more than ever. Blessings on your work and ministry, and many thanks for your donation.
With prayers for a transformational Advent,
a surprising Christmas,
and a hopeful New Year,
Patrick Evans, D.M.
Interim Executive Director
To donate by mail, visit our Complete Donation Options page.