The Ugandan parliament is again considering the infamous anti-gay legislation (the Bahati Bill) that allows for the death penalty and imprisonment of lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) people.  Importantly, even talking about the human dignity of LGBT people could become a crime. People of faith and advocates alike who believe in the dignity of all and the availability of salvation to all could suffer imprisonment for supporting—or even discussing—the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Ugandans.

As More Light Presbyterians, we call on all faith leaders to sign the following petition to help

  • protect the physical safety of LGBT Ugandans and their families and
  • preserve religious freedom of the full range of Christianity in Uganda

Sign the Petition Now

Why Is This Important?

It was American evangelical Scott Lively’s work in Uganda that helped facilitate the original draft of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill. Lively is currently being sued by The Center for Constitutional Rights on behalf of Sexual Minorities Uganda. He considers it a “huge blessing” that the bill is again on track for consideration by Uganda’s parliament.

It is important for people of faith to reflect God’s heart:

Our various faiths teach that every person is made in the image of God, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Whatever our biblical interpretation and religious tradition, we know that God calls us to love each other, not persecute each other.

We condemn the criminalization of homosexuality, especially state-sponsored violence against LGBT people, their friends and families.

Passage of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill would rip the very fabric of communities, turning Ugandan families against themselves. Our faith demands we stand with Uganda’s sexual minority community rather than use our religion to justify their persecution. Silencing and criminalizing any group based on who they love or how they express their gender chafes against our very moral fiber. It breaks a core teaching of our many traditions: that we treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves.