Welcome to Our New Board Members and Co-Moderators!
As a national organization, time spent face-to-face is precious to the Staff and Board of More Light. In September, we gathered...
As a national organization, time spent face-to-face is precious to the Staff and Board of More Light. In September, we gathered...
More Light stands in solidarity with the faithful witness of the counter-protesters who peacefully assembled against the largest white nationalist march...
I am thrilled to introduce Jess Cook (they, them, theirs) as More Light’s new Program and Communications Manager! Jess will serve as our third...
Today, beloved More Light pastor and board member Rev. Dr. Jeff Krehbiel died surrounded by his family. Jeff has served as...
For many of us, the last month has been really rough, especially in a season of Advent when we are asked...
As I turned off the lights on Tuesday night, I could feel myself shutting down—walling myself off out of fear that the...
More Light Presbyterians is taking a courageous step forward in our programming to help congregations and communities live in to LGBTQ...
I joined others in chanting “#BlackLivesMatter,” “No justice! No Peace!,” and “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!.”
Our More Light Educational Luncheon celebrated the 25th anniversary of the 1991 Sexuality Report “Keeping Body and Soul Together.” Two of...
While we celebrated pride, we also mourned the tragedy in Orlando in a moving vigil at the conclusion of our worship...