Dear friends of More Light Presbyterians,
Please join us in appreciating and celebrating the ministry of Rev. Alex Patchin McNeill. Alex will be transitioning out of his role as Executive Director of More Light Presbyterians at the end of October 2021. We are grateful for the gifts he brought to this role and to the church at large.
Throughout his eight-year tenure at More Light Presbyterians, Alex worked with colleagues and churches to push for LGBTQIA+ inclusion in the Presbyterian Church (USA) in the form of marriage equality, affirming policies, acknowledgement of historical harm and potential progress, and advocating for transgender lives. His work, from the creation of the More Light Ambassadors Program to speaking out against anti-trans bathroom bills in his state of North Carolina, has shown the impact of God’s work inside and outside of the Church.
Under Alex’s tenure, More Light has been able to support its members with resources, programs and more than 85 workshops attended by over 9,000 participants. We’ve guided more than 100 churches and counting to create LGBTQIA-inclusive policies and to further open themselves to God’s gracious, inclusive love. We have, under Alex’s leadership, asked individuals, churches, college groups, and the denomination as a whole to join us as we attempt to walk a path of openness and intersectionality, one that seeks to see people not just for one part of themselves but for the totality of who God made them to be. We thank Rev. Alex Patchin McNeill for getting us to this point in the path and wish him well as he continues his journey.
To honor his ministry, Alex invites you to make a financial donation to More Light Presbyterians in his honor. Click here to share your gift:
You are also invited to send messages of gratitude for Alex to our mailing address at:
More Light Presbyterians, 8725 Columbine Rd. #44727, Eden Prairie, MN 55344
We recognize this month marks significant transitions, and we appreciate your continued prayers and support as we discern the next era of More Light Presbyterians. As a board, we are taking this period of transition to discern immediate next steps and longer-term vision for the leadership and organization of MLP. We are committed to transparency as we navigate this season and will follow up in a few weeks with more on our steps forward.
Grace and Peace,
Rev. Ashley DeTar Birt, Co-moderator
Rev. Larissa Kwong Abazia, Co-moderator
Rev. Dr. Ann Deibert
Ethel Hornbeck
Amy Kim Kyremes-Parks
Rev. Ashley McFaul-Erwin
Mark Olson
Tanner Pickett
Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow
Andrea Sawyer-Kirksey
Rev. Lydia Tembo
Jessica Vasquez-Torres
Adrian White
Daniel Williams
More information about board members can be found here.