In this season of unexpected miracles, of making room where there was thought to be none, and of following a star on an unknown journey, it can be easy to lose sight of the small miracles that happen every day. Some days, the work we do at More Light is about changing policies and changing minds; the big miracles we find as we have faithfully followed in the light of God. Other days, miracles come in the form of a small button.

In my first two weeks working at More Light, trans_button_bulletin.jpgI added to our button collection by converting the colors of our standard logo to those of the trans pride flag (pink, blue, and white). After posting an image of the new buttons to social media, a friend from seminary contacted me. She loved the design and asked if I could send her a couple of buttons. She is currently pastoring a church, and has a youth in her congregation who identifies as trans, who she knew would love to have one of the new buttons. I happily obliged. A couple of weeks later, I got an email from my friend, telling me how much the button had meant to the youth in her congregation. The youth wore that button every day until it fell apart. When I was growing up, I don’t think I would’ve had the creative imagination to envision a time in which my identity would’ve been affirmed by the church. It gives me a great deal of hope to know there is a youth out there who was given a trans pride button by their pastor, and that there are young people all over the country who are not only seen, but whose faith communities fully support them in their identity.

Your support has given birth to miracles as big as constitutional change in our denomination, and as small as a simple button that reminds a trans youth they too are a child of God. Your support will help bring More Light to conferences and events in January including: the Montreat College Conference and the Association of Presbyterian Christian Educators (APCE) conference where we’ll offer resources (and buttons!) to hundreds of college youth, and Christian Educators to help foster LGBTQ+ inclusive campus groups and Sunday School classrooms. Last week we set a fundraising goal to raise $3,000 before the end of the year. Can you join us by making gift today? Thanks to so many of you, we are halfway to our goal! Your support makes it possible for us to continue doing the work we’ve been doing for the last 40 years.

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