More Light Celebrates the Election of Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri and Rev. Cindy Kohlmann as Co-Moderators of the 223rd General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA)

Tonight the 223rd General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, USA has elected Vilmarie Citrón-Olivieri and Rev. Cindy Kohlmann to serve as co-moderators of the PC(USA). At More Light, we recognize and affirm the shared leadership of co-moderators. For over a decade, More Light Presbyterians’ Board of Directors has been moderated through shared leadership. As hope evangelists building a church that reflects God’s heart, we believe in a God of Abundance. We believe the co-moderator model fully embodies a theology of abundance.

More Light Presbyterians’ Executive Director, Alex Patchin McNeill, shared:

“I believe Vilmarie Citrón-Olivieri and Rev. Cindy Kohlmann embody a commitment to lead the church in a time when racism, misogyny, homo- and xenophobia embedded in our culture continues to rear its head. I am grateful that the commissioners at GA223 have chosen a team that unequivocally claims we are all God’s children.”

We are at a pivotal moment in the Presbyterian Church, and a critical moment in the United States. While the PC(USA) has made strides to confront systemic injustice, the USA has systematically dismantled the safety and security of so many already at the margins and often in the name of Christ. We celebrate Vilmarie Citrón-Olivieri and Rev. Cindy Kohlmann’s commitment to name and work for a church engaged in working for justice in the world as leaders of faith.

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