
As some of you may know, the National Committee (NC) of the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship has made a serious commitment to address racism and to begin by making anti-racism a part of each of our meetings.

At our most recent NC meeting in September a new group of members brought new life to an effort for us to take a look at our own whiteness. The awful grand jury decisions of recent weeks has caused us to realize that now is the time for us to step up and do what we say we want to do on this matter. It’s time for us to march in solidarity with our African-American sisters and brothers.

Please join me in DC for the Justice for All March (#justice4all) this Saturday, December 13, 2014. Let’s meet at the corner of 14th and E at Freedom Plaza at 10:00 a.m.and join the families of Eric Garner, Mike Brown, Akai Gurley, the mother of Tamir Rice, the family of Trayvon Martin, the Reverend Al Sharpton for this gathering and march to the Capitol. Look for me with the PPF banner.

Email me at if you’re planning on coming so we can be on the lookout for you.

peace always,

Rev. Fritz Gutwein
Associate Director
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship

One Comment, RSS

  • Ralph Carter

    Fritz, bravo for participating in the march today! I so wish I could join you. Certainly with you in spirit. I am distraught by the brazen injustice, not only by recent events but the history of affirmative action that favored whites, Jim Crow laws, the New Jim Crow, voting restrictions, public accommodation discrimination, pay to play in our democracy. We need the leadership of Presbyterian Peace Fellowship. Ralph Carter, Rochester NY

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