Each of the sermons below was written as part of More Light’s Virtual Pulpit Supply program. Click on a sermon to watch. Each page has a specific link you can follow to download the sermon and scripture reading, plus a welcome and benediction.
Reimagining Repentance Adrian White Jonah 3:1-10; Mark 1:14-20 This sermon is part of More Light’s Virtual Pulpit Supply program. Go here to learn more and to download the Sermon with a Welcome and Benediction. Feel free to...
Praises in the Unknown Rev. Ashley DeTar Birt Psalm 148 This sermon is part of More Light’s Virtual Pulpit Supply program. Go here to learn more and to download the Sermon with a Welcome and Benediction.
For the Love Rev. Alex Patchin McNeill Matthew 25: 31-46 This sermon is part of More Light’s Virtual Pulpit Supply program. Go here to learn more and to download the Sermon with a Welcome and Benediction.
Good (Trouble) Christians Rev. Ashley DeTar Birt Philippians 2:1-13 This sermon is part of More Light’s Virtual Pulpit Supply program. Go here to learn more and to download the Sermon with a Welcome and Benediction.
Justice Delayed is Jesus Denied Rev. Alex Patchin McNeill Psalm 13 and Matthew 10:40-42 This sermon is part of More Light’s Virtual Pulpit Supply program. Go here to learn more and to download the...