We strive to be a church where love and justice are Central. Because of this, we support More Light Presbyterians, the Covenant Network of Presbyterians, Presbyterians for Earth Care, and Matthew 25 PC(USA).
At Central Presbyterian Church, Kansas City, Missouri:
• Our worship is vivacious
• Our faith is vibrant
• Our stewardship is viable (both environmental and financial)
• Our hospitality is vital.
We are seeking a pastor who embraces all these qualities and we hope to find someone who is fun, forward thinking, perhaps queer, perhaps of color . . . and maybe even a part-time barista!
Please find our Ministry Information Form here: https://clc.pcusa.org/CIFViewQuery.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fOpportunitySearchResults.aspx&cif=09813.AC
Pastor Nominating Committee
David Alonzo
Shirley Heard
Anna Lisa Lawton
Mary Merola
Terry Miller