The resources featured on this page are helpful for individuals who are discerning their own sexuality, for parents or friends who want to understand more about LGBTQIA+ identities, and for congregations to increase their awareness and understanding of LGBTQIA+ people.
If you have a resource to share or don’t see one that would be helpful for you please contact us.
Rescuing Jesus: How People of Color, Women, and Queer Christians are Reclaiming Evangelicalism Deborah Jian Lee left the evangelical world because she was frustrated by its conservative politics. But over the years she stayed...
Love Les From the curator of Love Les: This project came together as I realized how under represented LBGTQIA+ love stories and voices are within our culture. I grew up without any examples of...
Practicing Inclusion Worksheet This downloadable worksheet accompanies the Connecting the Dots: Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation downloadable Teach-In.
A Guide to Gender: The Social Justice Advocate’s Handbook Where do we start, when it comes to learning about something that’s everywhere, infused into everything, and is often one of the primary lenses through...
Outside the Lines: How Embracing Queerness Will Transform Your Faith God’s love for us breaks every boundary. So should our love for each other. Mihee Kim-Kort is a wife, a mom, and a Presbyterian...
Queer Virtue: What LGBTQ People Know About Life and Love and How It Can Revitalize Christianity, Elizabeth Edman As an openly lesbian Episcopal priest and professional advocate for LGBTQ justice, the Reverend Elizabeth Edman...
Sexuality and the Black Church: A Womanist Perspective Sexuality and the Black Church: A Womanist Perspective tackles the “taboo” subject of sexuality that has long been avoided by the Black church and community. Douglas...
Our Lives Matter uses the tenor of the 2014 national protests that emerged as a response to excessive police force against Black people to frame the book as following the discursive tradition of liberation...
The Queer Bible Commentary, Deryn Guest The Queer Bible Commentary brings together the work of several scholars and pastors known for their interest in the areas of gender, sexuality and Biblical studies. Rather than...
Speaking of Christ: A Lesbian Feminist Voice, Carter Heyward Speaking of Christ: A Lesbian Feminist Voice is a collection of “prose and homilies meant to evoke christological sensibilities–experiences, beliefs, and images of who or what “Christ”...
Minus 18 Minus 18 is an Australia-based website that creates resources and workshops for parents and people working with LGBTQIA youth. The site provides language and terminology and answers the questions many people have...
Walking the Bridgeless Canyon is a highly accessible examination of the historical and current social, medical, cultural, and religious discrimination which have impacted the gay and transgender communities. She approaches the subject as an...
Many Voices created an all in one guide specific to the Black Church to serve as an introductory resource that fosters conversation on sexual orientation.
Is your faith community open to people whose sexuality does not fit into the categories of gay/lesbian or straight? This guidebook is designed to help congregations understand bisexuality and to encourage faith communities to “make...
Pansexual: the self-identifying term used to describe people who are attracted to people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions. The pansexual flag consists of three colored horizontal bars: pink, yellow, and...